Chargeable Expenses

Chargeable expenses for all our services are as follows:

  • Travel expenses the cost of public transport or vehicle useage for travelling to and from the subject property(ies), including fuel and vehicle maintenance;
  • Travel time: the first 25 miles are included in the assignment fee. For site inspections of 25 miles or more (individually or collectively) time for travel will be charged at the agreed hourly rate;
  • Public database searches: any public database searches required to complete the assignment such as land registry, planning, building department records, companies house, etc;
  • Non-public database searches: any specialist on-line databases or costs associated with obtaining relevant comparable transactions from a 3rd party provider;
  • Plans and drawings: if required and agreed, use of any specialist computer software used in the preparation of plans and/or drawings;
  • Third party advisors: if required and agreed, costs for obtainig 3rd party opinions such as tax specialists, legal advisors and planners, etc;

All expenses falling into the above categories are deemed reasonable out-of-pocket expenses and will be added to the final invoice.